How he empowers!
Optimising a business/person's ability to accomplish their work, regardless of their position within a market/an organisation.
Leveraging his network and marketing experience to assist company owners in establishing their voice and developing a viable brand.
About Him
Shashank entered the world of entrepreneurship during his undergrad years, founding a network of young professionals based on an education-based marketing approach, a path he has continued to pursue ever since. Graduating with a Master's degree in International Business at a period when there was no international business, i.e. 2020 during a global lockdown, was a significant uh-oh moment with little incentives. So he started his own venture and went knocking on doors, helping many small business owners along the way.
An Online Business Developer working alongside local community members and businesses to achieve common aims deliberately to bring about an acknowledged and agreed-upon change that leads to an improvement in the quality of life. As a professional, he prioritises efficiency and theoretical thought. He has a desire to work with people, and in doing so, he is generally animated and affable. When the unexpected arises (which, of course, it always does), he remains calm and utilises his creativity and adaptability to discover an alternative solution.
“Knowledge is the key to understanding, understanding is the key to achieving, and achieving is the key to becoming.”
— Penelope V. Yorke
Why is his expertise characterised as magical?
Tech. is crucial to the success of any business. If you want to retain a competitive advantage and remain relevant, you must make constant investments in tech. To stay up-to-date with technology, you must regularly evaluate your systems, processes, and enabling technologies.
Tech. drives innovation and access to cutting-edge tech. will empower employees and boost employee happiness. Employees at a forward-thinking, technologically savvy organisation use simple-to-implement solutions to function efficiently and productively in sync with the old.
Make your business more efficient by automating as much as possible, using tech. to replace repetitive operations, and accelerate any process that needs a considerable amount of time or effort. Automation may also free up your personnel to conduct other useful tasks.
In this day and age, to not be discovered online is to not have a brand at all. To be found is the highest human desire, so be found.
Content is king and using the right keywords in a subtle way is the secret to an unbeatable Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Effective data visualisation can make the difference between success and failure when it comes to communicating findings.
Capture leads, convert them into customers and streamline your workflow with a complete CRM solution built right into your site.
Automations simplify work processes and save time on manual tasks with a few clicks. Such as auto-emails for cart recovery.
Free & informed consent. Silence, pre-ticked boxes, or inactivity cannot be used to imply permission & must consent to any processing.