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Non-EU Grandparents - Stamp 0; What is it and how to apply?

Hey folks, I will try my best to highlight some of the main bullet points for Elderly Parents as it is something I have been repeatedly asked to write about. You must be aware of my recent campaign on getting Non-EU Grandparents of Irish Citizen Children a multi-entry tourist visa, albeit moving in the right direction the progress is unfortunately, very slow.

VERY IMPORTANT: The Irish State is simply not in a position to take on financial responsibilities of your parents, nor should it be expected to do so. Moreover, even where the family in Ireland is willing to assume the initial responsibility of providing for their relative and has a good faith intention to continue to do so, circumstances can change. If the family becomes unable or unwilling to assume the costs of maintenance, then the State could be faced with an invidious choice between assuming the financial burden from the public purse or seeking to deport an elderly person who cannot provide for him/herself.

Guys, I would personally urge all to please take the above into consideration prior to making any application for Join Family Visas, if you can't afford it, I don't care how much tax you pay, the state is not liable to look after your family.

The Irish constitution is extremely compassionate, but taking advantage of it - is a sin!

A sponsor (one person) of an elderly dependent relative will be required to have earned in Ireland each of the 3 years preceding the application an income after tax and deductions of not less than €60K in the case of one parent and €75k where 2 parents are involved.

How to apply?

There is no application form as such, you simply submit a strong cover letter stating you are asking for a Stamp Zero and outline all the documents you are submitting.

INIS requires the following information from you when considering your application:

  • Clear and legible copy of applicant's passport (all pages), including the visa on which he/she entered the State;

  • Copy of birth certificate;

  • Copy of marriage certificate;

  • Reason for request for permission;

  • Details of all family members resident in the State and their legal status in the State;

  • Details of Irish Associations;

  • Evidence of all finances available to the applicant (i.e. six months of bank statements, payslips);

  • Evidence of finances verified by an Irish based accountant listing yearly income and any financial liabilities. Investment sums are not normally reckonable - finances must be in the form of pension income or readily accessible funds;

  • Evidence of private medical insurance with full cover in private hospitals;

  • Police Clearance Certificate;

  • Health Declaration;

  • Any other information you consider relevant to your case.

Reasons for refusal are mainly due to the following conditions are not satisfied:

  • Applicant must be covered by private medical cover at or above the level of VHI plan D or equivalent;

  • The sponsor will be required to sign a legal undertaking to the effect that they will bear personal complete financial responsibility for the elderly dependent relative and that any State funds availed of by the relative will be reimbursed by them. The possibility of requiring the family to establish a financial bond for this purpose remains open

  • The Sponsor will be required to make detailed provision for the accommodation of the elderly dependent relative.

The permission granted will be regarded as temporary but renewable on an annual basis providing the conditions are met. The immigration stamp applicable will be Stamp 0. This category would not be reckonable for Long Term residence or Naturalisation.

Applications for family reunification in cases involving elderly dependents can only be made from outside the State and will be subject to a pre-clearance procedure and application fee. Applications will not be accepted in respect of a person who has come to the State on a visitor visa and then seeks leave to remain.

You must apply in writing for permission, enclosing the required documentation to:

Residence Division (Unit 2) Irish Naturalisation & Immigration Service Department of Justice and Equality 13-14 Burgh Quay Dublin 2

Best of Luck!



Unknown member
Jul 12, 2021


I want to apply Stamp 0 for my dependent mother. Do I need to get Stamp 0 permission first before I apply for Long visa Visa (D) back home? or Can I do both together? i.e. Stamp 0 letter submit along with Long Stay Visa (D) application?


Unknown member
Jun 01, 2021

Hi Guys, it’s great to find this article here. I am loosing my patience due to back and forth emailing Irish embassy Delhi about this confusion. Due to no short stay visas in pandemic, i applied for my mother ( 70 yea old ) a long term stay category of Join family Irish visa. Embassy says now the process pending on me to get her approval letter.

As I understood I have to apply stamp 0 for her in Ireland. After reading information do we need to consult Solicitor for this process in order to legally apply ? Or just send written letter with support docs?

also anyone have any example copy of the request letter?

thanks in Advance


Unknown member
Jun 02, 2021
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Excellent thanks a million Yan.


Unknown member
Mar 06, 2021

Hi Shashank - Many thanks for this clear and useful article. I understand that private medical cover is essential and that is fine, but does the private medical cover have to be in place at the time of application? If the govt takes a year to review and approve an application (likely under current covid conditions), are they expecting us to pay for private insurance for an elderly parent who isn’t even in Ireland? It‘d be much appreciated if you could shed some light on this. Thank you!

Unknown member
Jun 08, 2021
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@Countryhousepottery, can I check if you were able to get a quote from any Irish insurance company?


Unknown member
Feb 19, 2021

Hi Shashank, this information is great I wish I knew this before I apply for my parents. I recently applied Long Stay Visa(D) - Join Family(Irish) for my parents. But received email from the department and informed me that they need to obtain stamp 0 before apply for the Long Stay visa. I'm very confused with the process. What's the difference between Stamp 0 and Long Stay Visa. When I apply for the long stay visa for them on the application didn't request for stamp 0. Now we have to withdraw the visa application and start again with stamp 0. After stamp 0 granted then apply for long stay visa?

Unknown member
Jul 12, 2021
Replying to

Did you figure it out if need Stamp 0 approval before applying for Long Stay visa (D)? or supporting letter for Stamp 0 is required when you apply for Visa (D)?

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