For any one who has not renewed their Student Travel Card before 31st December 2018 and is worried about its validity, well you have a grace period of up to 20 days and must transfer your rambler or money on to your new card.

For any newbies/first-time applicants, Ireland’s national student travel and discount card is available to all second and third level students. Students can save up to 66% across all public transport: Irish Rail, Dart, Luas, Dublin Bus, Bus Eireann and have access to exclusive discount/offers from leading brands.
How to apply?
1. By Post (See application form): Post the duly completed application form with photos and payment to Student Leap Card, PO Box 10549, Dublin 15. Expect the receive your card in 5 working days post receipt of application.
2. Express Agents: On-the-spot card can be printed via designated agents, a college ID or letter and payment (Cash only) must be submitted.
Trinity College, Students Union, House no.6 (01 6468431 - through the front arch and turn left) Dublin Bus, 59 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin 1 (01) 873 4222 UCD Student's Union, Student Centre, Belfield, Dublin (01) 7163108) DCU Student's Union, The Hub (01) 7005392 Tropical Medical Bureau, 94 Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin(01) 2715200 Maynooth University,, (01) 7086819 UCC Student Union 54 College Road, Cork. 021 490 3218 SAYIT Travel, 76 Grand Parade, Cork (021) 4935900 Cork Institute of Technology, Rossa Ave, Cork. (021) 432 6100 NUI Galway, Students Union (091) 524810 University of Limerick Student's Union, (061) 202324
3. By Printerless Agents: Same as above, however, your card arrives in 3-5 working days via post.
Cost of Student Leap Card?
€7 by post or €10 via agents (€7, plus a €3 photo fees).
Price Capping.
This system allows you travel on a single-mode of transport capped at €5/day, unlimited times or €7/day on multi-mode of transport. (Mode of transport: Bus, Luas, Rail)

How do I load credit and tickets on to my card?

You can do this using the Leap Card Top-Up App, at a Payzone agent or at a ticket machine. I personally prefer to use the App available for NFC enabled android devices only.
Best way to travel around Dublin is with a Student Travel Card or Leap Card.

Any other benefits?
